(1)Current transfer ratio
(CTR:MIN.50% at IF =5mA ,VCE =5V)
(2) High isolation voltage between input and output (Viso=5000 V rms )
(3)Compact dual-in-line package
EL817:1-channel type
(4)UL approved (NO. E214129 )
(5)VDE approved (NO. 132249 )
(6)SEMKO approved (NO. 0101083/01 )
(7)NEMKO approved (NO.P00102385 )
(8)DEMKO approved (NO.310352-01 )
(9)FIMKO approved (NO.FI16763)
(10)CSA approved (NO. CA5A1-98 )
(11)BSI approved (NO. 8593 )
(1)Computer terminals
(2)System appliances, measuring instruments
(3)Registers, copiers, automatic vending machines
(4)Cassette type recorder
(5)Electric home appliances, such as fan heaters, etc.
(6)Signal transmission between circuits of different potentials and impedances